Thursday, July 18, 2002

Last night I invaded Meghan McInerny, Nancy Lyon, Linda Shull's girls night out......well, it was only kind of a girls night out because Dave Mehl was there too. And he's only kind of a girl.

It was the most fun I've had all week-this week at work has been really trying...I have some serious doubts about the project I'm working on and the work in the project isn't interesting. Yesterday I cut and pasted all day. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it just wears on me.

This morning the caretakers informed me my shower is leaking. Hooray! I also got my new biking shoes. Hooray! Guess which hooray is sincere.

On Saturday at 7:30 am I leave for my bike trip. I hope I can update this site while I'm on it. Last year a couple places let us use their school's computers so I may be able to.